Our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is made to allow you to integrate large PHP frameworks for your site, with absolutely no setup required from you. You no longer need to look for the most recent build of a framework for your projects and spend many hours on downloading and also configuring it. Now you have got everything available to you right inside your Online Control Panel, displayed in a convenient interface.

Different frameworks offered

Start your online venture using a framework

Using the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer built into the Cheat Fusion Hosting Online Control Panel, you will be able to install numerous PHP frameworks, each of them supplying a special range of characteristics and benefits: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each PHP framework is modernized to the latest stable release and its incorporation demands absolutely no setup at all.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework installation

Your PHP framework is just a mouse click away

Setting up a PHP framework can often be difficult and complicated, as you have to make sure you discover the most recent stable version as well as have knowledge to configure it without any help. With our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, we strive to remedy this difficulty. The Installer really helps you to install a complete PHP framework in just a minute, without any additional setup necessary.

We’ve made an effort to streamline the installation procedure a lot. All you have to do is tell the Installer exactly where you need the PHP framework to be installed and the clever system will perform everything else.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click data backup

The fastest way for you to back up a framework

Any time you use valuable business details, you must always maintain a backup of everything, in particular when there are lots of changes made. Via the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, you can create a backup of your framework with simply a mouse click. Our system is going to generate the backup file and then upload it inside your account. We’ve not established any kind of limitation on the number of backups you can make or on the period when you’re able to create them.

In addition to the manual backups that you create, additionally we run smart backups for all your web sites regularly. This way, Cheat Fusion Hosting offers a complete and also secure backup solution for your business project data.

1-click backup