Webmail is a useful alternative to computer and mobile phone e-mail applications if you don't have access to your personal computer and also you don't have a smartphone. You will be able to access your emails through any browser, so you can keep in touch with friends and family when you travel around and you stop by an Internet cafe, for example. Webmail apps are rather advanced, so you will not only be capable to send and receive messages, but you will also be able to use an address book, set up a customized signature or even make new folders, that can later on appear in your PC e-mail application. You should know that the email messages available in the webmail are the ones on the server, so in case you create an email address in a PC app with the POP protocol, the messages will be saved on your computer and they won't be accessible in the webmail. The solution in this case is to use the IMAP protocol any time you set up your emails inside a computer application.

Webmail RoundCube in Cloud Hosting

When you have a Linux cloud hosting package from us, you can use Roundcube, an advanced webmail application. You're able to access it either through the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, used to handle the account, or directly by typing a URL inside your web browser and then entering your email address and the password for it. You'll even be able to open the app using your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the emails are used by a company or a corporation, for example. Roundcube has pretty much all the features that you might need from an email client and you could easily create different identities for a particular email address, create and use an address book, set up folders or HTML signatures, pick the time zone according to where you are at the moment, plus more.

Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you purchase a semi-dedicated server package through us, you'll be able to handle your email messages through a feature-rich webmail app known as Roundcube. You have access to any mailbox from just about any area by entering the webmail’s URL in a web browser and entering the e-mail address as well as its corresponding password, or when you can access your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, you can simply click on any email and sign in to Roundcube without entering any password. If you wish, it's also possible to make a customized URL for the webmail and use it rather than the standard one - a convenient feature in case you host the web site of some company or organization. Roundcube may be used as a primary email application because it comes equipped with a range of features - address book, aliases, HTML signatures, and many more.