Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
We have selected the attributes of our cloud hosting packagesin such a way, in order to facilitate the progress of every site hosted on our superior cloud platform. The site traffic that your account can produce makes no exception, that's why with a website hosting package from us, you won't need to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account at any moment. You'll be able to host multiple small and medium-sized web sites and be sure that your monthly traffic allowance won't be a setback for their progress. In addition, we provide you with elaborate monthly, daily and hourly statistics which will give you additional details for the site traffic that a given site generates or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and produces the most traffic. This info will help you organize the administration of your web sites and your marketing techniques better.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
As our Linux semi-dedicated packages are very efficient, we have made the decision not to put any kind of restriction for the monthly traffic that an account can produce. We consider that if you purchase a website hosting plan that includes a great deal of computing power, your sites will most likely have lots of visitors and given that each and every visitor produces certain site traffic, you may end up having unavailable sites if there was a limit for this particular feature. With truly unrestricted traffic, you will be sure this won't happen. For your benefit, you can monitor the data being downloaded along with the traffic that is generated for every single domain with monthly, daily and hourly stats that will inform you on how popular your websites are. You'll be able to even view the pages and files that have produced the most site traffic in the semi-dedicated account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
Using a dedicated server, you'll have a very powerful website hosting tool at your disposal and the traffic allowance that you will get suits the rest of the characteristics. Your server can make terabytes of site traffic every month, so irrespective of the kind or amount of web sites that you host, you'll never need to worry for them being inaccessible because of not sufficient website traffic. To be on the safe side though, we'll give you the opportunity to update this feature if needed. We will notify you well ahead of time when you get close to the limit, so you'll have the time to upgrade or lower the website traffic by optimizing your content avoiding any interruption of the work of your sites. You can view the consumed and remaining site traffic for the current month via the control panel that we provide. The information there includes all incoming as well as all of the outgoing transfers, which includes software setups and / or updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel features more detailed data, however only for the traffic to and from a web hosting account, not the server altogether.